Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The most threating thing to those who hold you down is.

Love is the most threatening thing in the world to those who desire control, but what is more threatening to all negative entities, and people is self love.
The Universe is not a cosmic comforter that will send you a lolly pop just because you don't love yourself!

What happens to you when you don't love yourself?
Does the Universe send you a lollipop,
And say good for you now your going to get more surprises?

No, those who control and abuse you see this weakness, and manipulate it
because they were taught from people in their own lives with lower vibrational frequency!

As a planet we have not loved ourselves, we have been stuck in this fear.

"Hell on Earth"

If you learn to love yourself, will you allow those negative relationships and people continue to manifest situations into your life? 


If someone has denied you the respect and dignity from your higher power, then
you kick those people to the curb, but you forgive them and love them or the lesson
is not fully learned.
How do I love a man or woman who has hurt me? Abused me?
You forgive yourself first for allowing your soul to be abused.

What the universe actually does, if you have a weakness you will continue to attract more of the negative. 

Sounds like THE SECRET? 

When you learn to accept yourself, you will decide your state of mind is uplifting and positive that you wont allow negative energies situations or people to harm you.

The majority of my wonderful callers, not all but a large majority are suffering due to
allowing the negative energies in there lives to manipulate and abuse them,
learn the truth that has been hidden from us.

Love yourself, before you can love someone else.


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