Herbs & Wheels can do interesting things...
Adam & Eve Root- Powerful for love & happiness. The man carries the Eve root ,the woman ,the Adam root
Adders Tongue-Use to stop gossip or slander
African Bird Pepper- Throw in someones yard to cause problems
African Ginger- Stops hexes & curses, cures mouth sores
Agar Agar- mix with Fast Luck powder to bring luck in bingo,rub on hands before you play
Agrimony- Burn to reverse & turn back spells
Ague Weed- Burn to stop hexes & crossings from getting to you
Ajenjible- wash a persons clothes in this tea added to wash water to make someone move out of your house
Alfalfa- Keep in the home to keep poverty away & help you prosper
All Heal- Make into a tea & sprinkle in the room of the sick to cure illness
Allspice- mix with Gloria incense & burn everyday for money,attracts success & prosperity
Aloes- Burn on the night of the full moon to have a new lover by the new moon
Althea(Marshmallow)- keep a jar on altar or burn on candles to pull the good spirits to you
Angelica Root- As a tea, sprinkle in corners & entryway to to purify & stop evil
Anise- Burn to increase your clairvoyant abilities
Anise Estella(Star Anise)- brew into tea and sip or bathe in it to bring back your lover,burn as incense
Archangel- Burn to bring a lost love back to you
Altamisa- This makes a very good love & attraction bath
Arrow Root- Mix with gambling powder to increase luck
Asafoetida- Burn to hex & increase black magick power,throw in a persons yard to cause misery
Ash Leaves- Burn to prevent hexes & witchcraft from harming you
Balm- Put on wine or food to make a love potion
Balm of Gilead buds- Carry for protection against evil & to solve love problems
Balmony- wrap a persons name in a bundle of balmony & it will cause them to get sick
Basil- A very good herb to bathe in to remove jinx & to change your luck
Bay Leaves- Keep in home or on person to to protect against any type of evil,best protection
Bayberry Bark- Attracts good fortune & money,Burn a white candle sprinkled with the bark
Berry of The Fish- Sprinkle in enemies yard to make them move away or keep away from you
Beth Root- Attract a mate by secretly mixing this into food or drink
Benzoin- Burn with incense & oils for peace of mind & to defeat witchcraft,It is said that no demon can stand this scent
Bergamot- Considered very powerful for success, it can be burned at any ritual for more power
Betony Wood- Burn with uncrossing incense to defeat any form of witchcraft
Bistort- Carry in a yellow flannel bag to attract wealth & good fortune
Bittersweet- Toss into an enemies path or yard to make them leave town & never look back
Black Candle Tobacco- Mix with salt & burn with a black candle ,said to win most court cases
Black Cohosh- Make into a tea & add to bath water, it is said to ensure a long & happy life
Black Mustard Seed- Causes problems & disturbances when sprinkled in an enemies yard
Black Snake Root- Bath in tea to uncross your nature, also may be burned as a love incense
Bladderwrack- Carry while traveling for protection, said to cause a UTI if placed by stall of enemies
Blood root- A favorite voodoo root used for defeating hexes & spells aimed to harm you
Blue Flag- Mix with money drawing incense for financial gain
Blueberry- Said to cause confusion & strife when tossed in a doorway or path of enemy
Boldo Leaves- Sprinkle around the house to ward off evil ,must be renewed once a month
Boneset- To curse an enemy, burn as incense along with a black candle inscribed with their name*
Broom Tops- Make into a tea & sprinkle around the home to clear away all evil
Buchu Leaves- Bathe in these to be able to fortell the future
Buckthorn Bark- Grants a wish if made into a tea & sprinkled in a circle at the the full moon
Camphor- Burn with Rama Dream incense before retiring for prophetic dreams
Caraway seed- Carry these for protection
Cardamon- Add this,powdered, to the drink of the one you want to love you
Cascara Sagrada- sprinkle tea made from this around the courtroom before court to win case
Chamomile- Wash your hands with a tea made of this before going to gamble for good luck
Chewing John Root- Chewing the root & throwing it away sends back a curse, use for court cases
Chicory- Burn with a black skull candle to cause a sure hex on an enemy
Cinnamon- Add to wine or food as a love potion, use for good luck in money matters
Cinquefoil -To curse someone, rub on an image candle along with Dume oil at the full moon:**
Cloves- Mix with Camphor & burn before using a ouija board for better luck/results with it
Coriander- Powder & mix with food or drink for a strong love potion
Cumin- Mix with food to keep lover faithful even over long period of separation
Curry Powder- Burned to keep evil forces away
Damiana- Said to be an aphrodesiac & to draw love to those who drink it as tea
Dandelion- Carry to make wishes come true, said to induce clairvoyant ability
Devil Bone Root- Cut into small pieces & carry in a red flannel bag to ward off arthritis
Devil Shoestring- Carry in a red flannel bag for protection or in pocket for drawing gambling luck
Dill Seed- Steep in hot wine for love potion or keep in home to repel witchcraft
Dittany of Crete- Bathe in this before a date for success & attraction with the person
Dog Grass- Sprinkle in an enemies yard to ruin their yard & make it look ugly
Earth Smoke- To attract quick financial gain, ake into tea & sprinkle about & rub on shoe bottoms
Eucalyptus- Sew into a pillow to ward off nightmares & for peaceful sleep
Elecampane- grind together with vervain & mistletoe to make a powerful love powder
Elder Berries- Grind & place in corners & doorway for protection & to eliminate trouble
Fennel Seeds- Carry to prevent witchcraft and also used in love potions
Five Finger Grass- Wrap in red cloth and hang over the bed to ward off dark spirits of the night
Flax Seed- For more accurate readings into someones future ,sprinkle a tea made of this in the area
Frankincense- one of the strongest resins for mystical purposes. Burn prior to any ritual for success
Galangal- Burn nightly for 14 days before a court case. Save the ashes in a green flannal bag & take to court.
Garlic- Kept on hand to protect from witchcraft & envious people
Gentian- add tea to bath for much power & strength
Grains of Paradise- to ensure success & protection***
Gravel Root-Helps get a job, carry in green flannel bag and annoint with Job oil
Guinea Pepper- Cast upon doorsteps to break up homes,Used to cause death by enchantment :-(
Holy Thistle- Brew into a tea and sprinkle around the house to get rid of a jinx thrown on you
Hawthorne- Add to scrub water to purify your home, & to remove negative vibrations
Holy Ghost Root- prolongs life and protects against evil spirits & witchcraft
Hyssop- bathe in to keep away evil eye and ward of jinx & to purify
Horehound- keep near doorways to keep trouble away
Irish Moss- make into tea & sprinkle around business to bring in customers
Iron Weed- Carry in purple flannel bag for control over others, controls boss & co-workers
Jamaican Ginger- carry for gambling luck, bathe in this before going to Vegas Etc...
Jasmine- very good as a love & attraction bath, sewn into lovers pillow so they will only want you
Jezebel Root- to cause one harm,put root in jar with Jezebel oil & Destierro powder,bury in thier
Job Tears- Carry 7 for luck ,and having one wish come true
Joe Pie- Carry in blue flannel bag to gain popularity & friendship ,annoint with pure Orris oil
Juniper Berries- steep in wine for increased vitality
Kava Kava Root- carry in red flannel bag for success & job promotions, protects from harm
Khus Khus(Vetivert)- to change your luck ,bathe in this tea for 9 days
King of the Woods-A man carries for this control over his woman
Knot weed- Used to get rid of an enemy+
Ladies Thumb- draws love to you++
Lucky Hand Root- carried in red flannel bag with good luck charms while gambling for best of luck
Life Everlasting- It is belieived that this tea will prolong life
Lovage Root- bathe in this prior to court for victory
Laurel- Give to the bride for a long & happy marriage
Lavendar- Burn with incense to bring peace, love & money to the home
Linseed- Burn to attain divinitory powers
Lemon Verbena- Used for a peaceful home, To help a marriage going sour or to break one up+++
Licorice- Sprinkle on the footprints of lovers to keep them faithful
Linden- Keeps a lover faithful, dab a small amount on your forehead before retiring
~*M Thru Z*~
Mace-In earlier times this was thought a very powerful love herb. Still used in some reuniting rituals
Maiden Hair Fern- Brings beauty & love into your life(represents Venus, the goddess of Love)
Mandrake- Carry in a red flannel bag to draw love from the opposite sex. Burn as incense in black magick spells
Manzanilla- Used as a hand wash for good luck in bingo & lotto,keep tickets with a packet of the herb
Marjoram- Prized as a charm against witchcraft, place in each room of dwelling & renew monthly
Magnolia- Sew into a mates pillow to ensure faithfulness
Marigold- Used with love sachets to attract, bathe in tea for 5 days to find ‘Mr. Right”
Marjoram- for a person who is sad or grieving,bathe them in this for 7 days
Master of the Woods- A man carries this to have control over his woman
Mesquite-burn as an incense to cleanse your tools or voodoo room,us in purification baths
Mistletoe- Made into a tea & bathed in it for love drawing
Motherwort- keep some in a jar by the family pictures to keep them safe
Mugwort- Burn as an incense while crystal gazing to increase psychic visions & ability
Mullien- Used as an incense in black magick to dume(doom) an enemy
Mustard Seed (Red)- Sprinkle in & around the home to ward off burglers
Mustard Seed(Yellow)- A symbol of faith followed by success, One of the oldest good luck amulets
Myrrh- Burn on the altar before performing any ritual, for success, a good incense to clear your home
Myrtle- Inhaling the warm vapors of a myrtle infusion is said to clear head pains caused by severe colds,also used as a love herb
Nettles- For removing curses & hexes,mix with Jinx removing powder & sprinkle in each room &
Nutmeg- Make a hole in the nutmeg, fill with quicksilver, seal hole with wax,carry in red flannel bag for best gambling luck
Oak- The most royal of all trees,burn with mistletoe to remove spirits from businesses
Orange- Use the leaves or flowers for love rituals, very good to bring on a proposal
Oregon Grape Root- Carry in green flannel bag with money drawing powder for money & popularity
Oregano-mix with Stay Away powder to repel in-laws,with Law Stay Away to repel law
Orris Root- Cast a love spell by dusting it on the clothes of the opposite sex & wear for attraction
Palo Azul- Very powerful,make into a tea and use to remove any jinx or hex
Palo Santo-Used when you feel you have been cursed,Rub this herb on your body then bathe
Papaya leaves- mix with Mandrake root and burn or bathe for spell reversal or jinx
Parsley- mix with jasmine & carry in your shoe to make you more attractive to opposite sex
Passion Flower- Brew into a tea & bathe in for 5 days to attract opposite sex
Patchouli- Used in money & love rituals,incites lust,use in any ritual where graveyard dirt is required
Peach Tree-mix the leaves with Concentration & Success oil to help pass tests
Pennyroyal- Carry while traveling by water & never know the pangs of sea sickness
Peony- For protection againts any evil or to cure lunacy
Peppercorns Black- Can be used to cast evil to someone or to get rid of evil
Pepper Tree(Pirul)- Used for limpias and cleansing,mix with ruda ad bathe in for 10 days to remove evil
Peppermint- To increase chance of prophetic dreams,add to Rama dream incense
Periwinkle- A love herb, Burn with love incense before having sex
Pine- burn as an incense to cleanse house, also used to remove negativity & attract money
Plantain- hang in car to protect from evil or jealous people
Poke Root- Breaks hexes by brewing it into a teas & adding it to bath water
Poppy Seeds- Sleep on a pillow stuffed with poppy seeds if you suffer from insomnia
Primrose- Put in childrens pillows to gain control over them, also put some in bath water to make them mind
Quassia Chips- Mix with some hair of your beloved, burn & keep ashes in small bottle to preserve the love
Queen of The Meadow- for good luck ,make into a tea
Queens Delight Root- Legends say that drinking a tea made from this root will help a woman concieve
Queens Root- Take a bath in this when you wish to get married
Quina Rojo- Use only when sex is desired & with extreme caution
Quince Seed- Used in spells pertaining to protection, love & happiness
Raspberry- Bathe in this herb daily and your man will not want to wander
Rattle Snake Root- Put in a purple flannel bad for protection from sudden death & accident,
keeps others from doing you wrong
Rosemary- Kept near the bed to ensure faithfulness, good for cleansing & protection as well
Rose Petals- Known as the love herb, Keep your lovers picture in a bowl of rose petals*
Rue(Ruda)- Make into a tea & bathe in it for 7 days to attract love from the opposite sex
Sacred Bark-Keep in a bowl on your alter or reading table to help you concentrate
Safflower- Mix with any jinx incense to cause destruction to an enemy,also used by gay men to bring on exciting sexual encounters by rubbing it on the inside of their knees
Sage- Wards off misfortune,used in reversing spells, also used for protection
Sampsons Snake Root- Used to regain male vigor(lost manhood)**
Sandalwood- One of the 3 holy incenses,used for love, health & fortune,to grant wishes***
Sarsaparilla- alledged to prolong life,hinder premature aging, excite passions, improving virility
Sassafras- Should be carried in your purse or wallet near your money, makes it go farther
Saw Palmetto- use in a strong tea made of Damiana,Sarsaparilla, muira puama to help men get erections, Supposedly, this is what the ancient gods use to have sexual encounters
Scullcap- To keep mate faithful,women should sew into his pillow some scullcap and 2 white lodestones in white flannel
Sea Wrack- add to black magick & hex rituals
Senna- secretly have mate bathe in a tea made of this to ensure faithfulness,to get one to notice you+
Slippery Elm- Excellent in poultices for skin ailments,keeps others from gossiping about you++
Smartweed- attracts money & clears the mind
Snake root- carried as a charm to strengthen ones vitality, also good for court cases
Solomons Seal root- carry for protection & success, place on altar to ensure success with all rituals
Southern John The Conqueror- carry as a charm to bring luck in love & money matters
Southernwood- kept in the home as a love charm , burned to protect one from trouble
Spearmint- used for cleansing
Spikenard- to keep a lover faithful,to secure a relationship bury it in the ground and renew monthly
Squaw Vine- Bathed in by pregnant women once a week to keep jealousy away from unborn child
Squill Root- to draw money, place in container, add one dime, quarter & dollar ,say money prayer
Star anise- to increase power ,place on altar, carried for luck, burn to increase psychic ability
St. Johns Wort- protects against all forms of black witchcraft , hang above all windows in home
Sulfur- although not an herb,it is mixed with many herbs to bring ahrm upon an enemy
Sumbul Root- A favorite love root, said to attract the opposite sex very quickly, carry on you or burn
Tansy- a bit placed on shoes is said to keep the law away, can also be bathed in for same purpose
Tarragon- To cause a person to have a toothache, sprinkle on mouth of figure candle & burn at midnight
Thyme- bathe in to ensure money at all times,add to jar & keep in home for good luck,use to cleanse magick areas and place in pillows to stop nightmares
Tonka Beans- a favorite hoodoo good luck charm, to make wishes come true...+++
Tormentil- as a tea,drunk to keep or remove witchcraft that has been given in food or drink
Trefoil- mix with vervain , dill & St. Johns Wot for most effective defense againt evil doing
Trumpet Weed- used to make a man more potent, rubbed on member as a tea while hard
Twitch Grass- reverses hexes,causes trouble for enemies if thrown on their doorstep
Unicorn Root-Carried for protection,used as a love charm,hide in loves belongings for love or hide two tied together to keep them faithful
Uva Ursi- carry to increase your power,burn with psychic incense when meditating
Valerian- drink to soothe nerves, sprinkle about to bring peace and end strife
Vanillian-powder can be burned with love incense to ensure that mate will always think of you
Verbena- Bathe your children in this to help them learn faster,Burn with sandalwood for jinx removing
Vervain- considered a holy herb, bathe in for 7 days to bring money,used for love drawing & jinx
Vetivert(Khus Khus)- placed in cash registers for increased business, burnt to overcome evil spells
Violet- used with other attraction herbs like lavender to bath in , helps those ill to heal faster
Virginia Snake Root-Said to be best good luch charm but very expensive & hard to get
Wahoo Bark- Also very hard to get,used to remove hexes
Willow Bark- Burn when you want the aid of Satan
Wintergreen- bathe your children in this to grant them good fortune & luck throughout their lives
Witch Grass- bathe in to attract a new lover, wear special witch perfume as well
Woodruff- good for victory, place in your left shoe before a game so your team will be victorious
Wormwood- sprinkle on enemies path to cause strife & misfortune to them
Yarrow- Used to overcome fears, place in yellow flannel bag with a piece of parchment paper on which you have written your fears,carry with you
Yerba Mate- Said to keep a lover from wandering, put 2 Tablepoons into their food once a day
Yerba Santa- Used to attain beauty from within,to make ones body more desirable
Yucca- For jinx removing, Use a new slice of yucca root daily for 7 days and rub all over your body
Maiden Hair Fern- Brings beauty & love into your life(represents Venus, the goddess of Love)
Mandrake- Carry in a red flannel bag to draw love from the opposite sex. Burn as incense in black magick spells
Manzanilla- Used as a hand wash for good luck in bingo & lotto,keep tickets with a packet of the herb
Marjoram- Prized as a charm against witchcraft, place in each room of dwelling & renew monthly
Magnolia- Sew into a mates pillow to ensure faithfulness
Marigold- Used with love sachets to attract, bathe in tea for 5 days to find ‘Mr. Right”
Marjoram- for a person who is sad or grieving,bathe them in this for 7 days
Master of the Woods- A man carries this to have control over his woman
Mesquite-burn as an incense to cleanse your tools or voodoo room,us in purification baths
Mistletoe- Made into a tea & bathed in it for love drawing
Motherwort- keep some in a jar by the family pictures to keep them safe
Mugwort- Burn as an incense while crystal gazing to increase psychic visions & ability
Mullien- Used as an incense in black magick to dume(doom) an enemy
Mustard Seed (Red)- Sprinkle in & around the home to ward off burglers
Mustard Seed(Yellow)- A symbol of faith followed by success, One of the oldest good luck amulets
Myrrh- Burn on the altar before performing any ritual, for success, a good incense to clear your home
Myrtle- Inhaling the warm vapors of a myrtle infusion is said to clear head pains caused by severe colds,also used as a love herb
Nettles- For removing curses & hexes,mix with Jinx removing powder & sprinkle in each room &
Nutmeg- Make a hole in the nutmeg, fill with quicksilver, seal hole with wax,carry in red flannel bag for best gambling luck
Oak- The most royal of all trees,burn with mistletoe to remove spirits from businesses
Orange- Use the leaves or flowers for love rituals, very good to bring on a proposal
Oregon Grape Root- Carry in green flannel bag with money drawing powder for money & popularity
Oregano-mix with Stay Away powder to repel in-laws,with Law Stay Away to repel law
Orris Root- Cast a love spell by dusting it on the clothes of the opposite sex & wear for attraction
Palo Azul- Very powerful,make into a tea and use to remove any jinx or hex
Palo Santo-Used when you feel you have been cursed,Rub this herb on your body then bathe
Papaya leaves- mix with Mandrake root and burn or bathe for spell reversal or jinx
Parsley- mix with jasmine & carry in your shoe to make you more attractive to opposite sex
Passion Flower- Brew into a tea & bathe in for 5 days to attract opposite sex
Patchouli- Used in money & love rituals,incites lust,use in any ritual where graveyard dirt is required
Peach Tree-mix the leaves with Concentration & Success oil to help pass tests
Pennyroyal- Carry while traveling by water & never know the pangs of sea sickness
Peony- For protection againts any evil or to cure lunacy
Peppercorns Black- Can be used to cast evil to someone or to get rid of evil
Pepper Tree(Pirul)- Used for limpias and cleansing,mix with ruda ad bathe in for 10 days to remove evil
Peppermint- To increase chance of prophetic dreams,add to Rama dream incense
Periwinkle- A love herb, Burn with love incense before having sex
Pine- burn as an incense to cleanse house, also used to remove negativity & attract money
Plantain- hang in car to protect from evil or jealous people
Poke Root- Breaks hexes by brewing it into a teas & adding it to bath water
Poppy Seeds- Sleep on a pillow stuffed with poppy seeds if you suffer from insomnia
Primrose- Put in childrens pillows to gain control over them, also put some in bath water to make them mind
Quassia Chips- Mix with some hair of your beloved, burn & keep ashes in small bottle to preserve the love
Queen of The Meadow- for good luck ,make into a tea
Queens Delight Root- Legends say that drinking a tea made from this root will help a woman concieve
Queens Root- Take a bath in this when you wish to get married
Quina Rojo- Use only when sex is desired & with extreme caution
Quince Seed- Used in spells pertaining to protection, love & happiness
Raspberry- Bathe in this herb daily and your man will not want to wander
Rattle Snake Root- Put in a purple flannel bad for protection from sudden death & accident,
keeps others from doing you wrong
Rosemary- Kept near the bed to ensure faithfulness, good for cleansing & protection as well
Rose Petals- Known as the love herb, Keep your lovers picture in a bowl of rose petals*
Rue(Ruda)- Make into a tea & bathe in it for 7 days to attract love from the opposite sex
Sacred Bark-Keep in a bowl on your alter or reading table to help you concentrate
Safflower- Mix with any jinx incense to cause destruction to an enemy,also used by gay men to bring on exciting sexual encounters by rubbing it on the inside of their knees
Sage- Wards off misfortune,used in reversing spells, also used for protection
Sampsons Snake Root- Used to regain male vigor(lost manhood)**
Sandalwood- One of the 3 holy incenses,used for love, health & fortune,to grant wishes***
Sarsaparilla- alledged to prolong life,hinder premature aging, excite passions, improving virility
Sassafras- Should be carried in your purse or wallet near your money, makes it go farther
Saw Palmetto- use in a strong tea made of Damiana,Sarsaparilla, muira puama to help men get erections, Supposedly, this is what the ancient gods use to have sexual encounters
Scullcap- To keep mate faithful,women should sew into his pillow some scullcap and 2 white lodestones in white flannel
Sea Wrack- add to black magick & hex rituals
Senna- secretly have mate bathe in a tea made of this to ensure faithfulness,to get one to notice you+
Slippery Elm- Excellent in poultices for skin ailments,keeps others from gossiping about you++
Smartweed- attracts money & clears the mind
Snake root- carried as a charm to strengthen ones vitality, also good for court cases
Solomons Seal root- carry for protection & success, place on altar to ensure success with all rituals
Southern John The Conqueror- carry as a charm to bring luck in love & money matters
Southernwood- kept in the home as a love charm , burned to protect one from trouble
Spearmint- used for cleansing
Spikenard- to keep a lover faithful,to secure a relationship bury it in the ground and renew monthly
Squaw Vine- Bathed in by pregnant women once a week to keep jealousy away from unborn child
Squill Root- to draw money, place in container, add one dime, quarter & dollar ,say money prayer
Star anise- to increase power ,place on altar, carried for luck, burn to increase psychic ability
St. Johns Wort- protects against all forms of black witchcraft , hang above all windows in home
Sulfur- although not an herb,it is mixed with many herbs to bring ahrm upon an enemy
Sumbul Root- A favorite love root, said to attract the opposite sex very quickly, carry on you or burn
Tansy- a bit placed on shoes is said to keep the law away, can also be bathed in for same purpose
Tarragon- To cause a person to have a toothache, sprinkle on mouth of figure candle & burn at midnight
Thyme- bathe in to ensure money at all times,add to jar & keep in home for good luck,use to cleanse magick areas and place in pillows to stop nightmares
Tonka Beans- a favorite hoodoo good luck charm, to make wishes come true...+++
Tormentil- as a tea,drunk to keep or remove witchcraft that has been given in food or drink
Trefoil- mix with vervain , dill & St. Johns Wot for most effective defense againt evil doing
Trumpet Weed- used to make a man more potent, rubbed on member as a tea while hard
Twitch Grass- reverses hexes,causes trouble for enemies if thrown on their doorstep
Unicorn Root-Carried for protection,used as a love charm,hide in loves belongings for love or hide two tied together to keep them faithful
Uva Ursi- carry to increase your power,burn with psychic incense when meditating
Valerian- drink to soothe nerves, sprinkle about to bring peace and end strife
Vanillian-powder can be burned with love incense to ensure that mate will always think of you
Verbena- Bathe your children in this to help them learn faster,Burn with sandalwood for jinx removing
Vervain- considered a holy herb, bathe in for 7 days to bring money,used for love drawing & jinx
Vetivert(Khus Khus)- placed in cash registers for increased business, burnt to overcome evil spells
Violet- used with other attraction herbs like lavender to bath in , helps those ill to heal faster
Virginia Snake Root-Said to be best good luch charm but very expensive & hard to get
Wahoo Bark- Also very hard to get,used to remove hexes
Willow Bark- Burn when you want the aid of Satan
Wintergreen- bathe your children in this to grant them good fortune & luck throughout their lives
Witch Grass- bathe in to attract a new lover, wear special witch perfume as well
Woodruff- good for victory, place in your left shoe before a game so your team will be victorious
Wormwood- sprinkle on enemies path to cause strife & misfortune to them
Yarrow- Used to overcome fears, place in yellow flannel bag with a piece of parchment paper on which you have written your fears,carry with you
Yerba Mate- Said to keep a lover from wandering, put 2 Tablepoons into their food once a day
Yerba Santa- Used to attain beauty from within,to make ones body more desirable
Yucca- For jinx removing, Use a new slice of yucca root daily for 7 days and rub all over your body
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